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Woman working from home

Insurance for Home-Based Business

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Home-based businesses are more popular than ever before. It's important for business owners to recognize that a Homeowners or Renters insurance policy is not designed to cover business losses.

Depending on your home-based business needs, you may want to consider a Business policy if:  

  • Your business property, stock or equipment is greater than $10,000 in value.  
  • Clients visit your office, use your product and/or depend on your service. Liability insurance can help cover your exposure to lawsuits.  
  • Damage to your workplace would require you to find a temporary substitute.  
  • Damage to your workplace could cause you to lose business or customers.  
  • Your employees use their vehicles to make deliveries or trips for your business.  

Learn more about how a Business Insurance policy can help protect you and your company. Contact our team today. 


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